Information on the amount of rental insurance in Turkey
In this blog we will show you important information about the amount of rental insurance in Turkey. Rental insurance is an essential part of rental agreements as it plays a crucial role in protecting tenants’ rights and preserving landlords’ property.
We will discuss the rental laws in Turkey that determine the value and conditions of rental insurance, and you will find out the exact sum insured and the maximum amount the landlord can charge. We also explain how and what insurance pays. There are options available to renters.
About tenancy law in Turkey
Residential rental agreements in Turkey are regulated by the Residential Tenancy Law, which clearly and detailedly defines the terms of the contract and the relationship between tenant and landlord, and also includes the financial agreements between the two parties
The payment of operating costs not related to the personal use of the property is the responsibility of the owner of the apartment and the tenant has the right to deduct these costs from the monthly rent if he has paid them in advance and there are often disputes between Due to a lack of legal knowledge and obligation to pay, the landlord and tenant incur these costs, which also include the basic costs of the apartment and the building and cannot be attributed to misuse.
Für die Instandhaltung und äußerliche Renovierung der Wohnung ist der Wohnungseigentümer verantwortlich und es muss eine Einigung zwischen Eigentümer und Mieter darüber erzielt werden, wer diese Kosten trägt.
If problems arise within the apartment before the tenant takes over, the tenant has the right to request that maintenance and repair work be carried out before taking over and it can also be agreed that the tenant will bear these costs and from the rent deducts monthly rent or future monthly payments
How much is the rental insurance amount in Turkey?
Rental insurance is the amount requested by the tenant as a guarantee to cover any damage to the property or its equipment during the period of his stay due to damage that the tenant may cause as a result of his negligence such as plumbing repairs or bathroom repairs and other issues, and the deposit can also be used to compensate for rental income or expenses that the tenant may not be obligated to pay.
Cases in which the rental insurance sum is not received in Türkiye
If a defect or malfunction occurs in the apartment and its equipment without the tenant being responsible, it is the owner’s responsibility to remedy the defect and he is not entitled to deduct the repair costs from the insured sum in the event of one If the house or its equipment is damaged due to the fault of the tenant, the property owner has the right to deduct the repair costs from the insured sum; in this case the remaining amount cannot be refunded to the tenant.
How is the amount of rental insurance determined in Türkiye?
According to Turkish debt law, all aspects of rental agreements are explained in a chapter entitled “Renting Houses and Covered Workplaces”. The insured value is specified in Article 342 of the above-mentioned law and according to these provisions, the value of the insurance is determined by a percentage that does not exceed the rental value of the property for a maximum period of three months, and according to the law, the landlord cannot exceed this limit in any way case and in other words, the bail cannot legally be more than three months. Tenants and the affected parties must be aware of this regulation before signing the contract between landlord and tenant. The law prohibits the determination of the insured value at amounts exceeding this established limit and permits lesser amounts.
How is the rental deposit paid in Türkiye?
Offers tenants multiple options to pay the deposit, whether in cash or through financial instruments such as bonds, checks and others. In both cases, the aim of the insurance must be to secure the rights of the tenant and not as a gift to the owner of the rented house and the tenant must present the insurance as security for the tenant or deposit it in a bank account as a temporary account, as this Amount is used to cover any damage caused intentionally by the tenant or resulting from his negligence and in the case of cash payment it is preferable not to pay the amount by hand and the operation must be documented by documents, for example the amount can must be paid into a temporary bank account and the purpose of the deposit must be stated. The “insurance” field or similar should be stated in the field “Insurance” or similar to explain the reason for the deposit and the insured value must also be stated in the rental agreement in order to ensure that this amount is paid to the homeowner document, including in the case of payment by B. Documents and checks, these documents can be deposited with the bank to increase authentication and protect against illegal actions on the part of malicious parties.
How can the tenant get the rental deposit back in Türkiye?
If, as already explained, the tenant documents his right to the documents, he does not rely solely on the good faith of the homeowner to return the deposit, but rather the documents are a guarantee of the tenant’s rights and an opportunity for him to get the deposit back His law and the Turkish Tenancy Law stipulate that if he does not notify the bank in writing within three months of the expiry of the contract that he has made a claim against the tenant or is seeking criminal prosecution for breach of contract, the bank must refund the deposit has insurance for the tenant.
The tenant can get the amount back by submitting an application to the bank. In the event that the owner of the property asserts a legal claim or pursues a lawsuit based on the rental agreement, the owner of the property may not deduct any amount from the deposit deposited with the bank until a final decision in the proceedings against the tenant.
Frequently asked questions:
According to Turkish law, the amount of the rental deposit can be a maximum of three months’ rent.
Will the rental deposit be refunded at the end of the rental period?
Yes, provided there is no damage or the tenant violates the agreement, the rental deposit will be fully refunded at the end of the rental period.
What happens if the tenant causes damage to the property?
If the tenant negligently causes damage to the property, the landlord is entitled to deduct the costs of repairing the damage from the rental deposit